Some of The Sights in Berne Switzerland

Berne is the capital of Switzerland, just a small town, the town has a historical heritage buildings form an attractive design. Naturally, if it have a museum where relics of historical information. In Berne there is a clock tower building is also a popular street is decorated with a fountain. The city has a University of Applied Science who is known as the Berner Fachhochschule. For tourists who visited Berne, Berne can get a free tourist map at the tourist office or at the train station. Get more news form this article

Some of the sights you can visit while in Berne, Switzerland

Berne Historical Museum; second largest historic museum is located in Switzerland, combined in one place a variety of important collections of Switzerland. Ethnographic collections together with the Bernese history from prehistoric times to the present
Einsteinhaus; one of the life of Albert Einstein to write out his thoughts together, there are documents and photos while working and addressed Einstein
Kunstmuseum (Museum of fine Arts) ; Museum of Arts Berne is known for its collection of works of painters such as Pablo Picasso, Ferdinand Hodler and Meret Oppenheim. It is the oldest art museum in Switzerland with a permanent collection and houses works covering eight centuries.
Zytglogge ; called the old city clock tower was built, there's a show and music that tell the history of the clock tower. Show that the pride of local residents. You can get into the tower while watching the show

A review is not complete if tourist does not convey some of the events at the venue, events in Berne is

Gurtenfestival ; In July Gurten hill is host to an outdoor festival with many national and international music acts. For four days you'll find a crowd of 25'000 party people, the crowd on the day and night.
International Jazzfestival Bern ; A jazz festival with international reputation held in Berne every year, starting in 1976
Bern singers ; Since a few years ago are often held festival musicians, takes place in the streets of the beautiful old town. You do not need to buy tickets but are encouraged to buy a festival pin or give donations to the musicians who come from all over the world. You are very happy to see their performances of various kinds

If you want to also learn more about how the means of transport in Berne can be found in transportation news Berne Switzerland

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