How Transport to Taupo New Zealand

After you read the resort town of Taupo in New Zealand, when you are interested in New Zealand took time to stop in taupu following may be a bit of information that you know How transport to Taupo New Zealand

  • By plane
Taupo has a small airport served by Air New Zealand. Can be addressed easily because there are daily flights from Auckland and Wellington.
Taupo Airport also provides for private jets and other aircraft and is the busiest services in New Zealand. Beautiful flight down using the jump you can do in private and special, obviously having a wonderful attraction

  • By bus
Intercity , Newmans and Nakedbus is the service life of buses operating throughout northern New Zealand, offers a service to / from Taupo several times a day to destinations throughout the North Island. The bus can feel the adventurous Kiwi experience

  • By car
Taupo location has easy access by car driving, traffic jams rarely occurs, but at Christmas sometimes jams can occur. Estimates of car drivers towards Taupo from urban centers of New Zealand: Auckland - 4hrs, Hamilton - 1hr 45min
Rotorua - 45min, Napier - 2 hrs, Wellington - 5hrs. Driving a car trips more comfortable and free, family fun together

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