Transportation News in Berne Switzerland

Your vacation in Switzerland, wanted to stop by the town of Berne, do not have to worry about the problem of how to enter it. Terhung Berne has been very good with the whole world. The center of Switzerland's international airport located there. Description below on transportation news in Berne Switzerland

  • By plane
Berne's small international airport; point direct flights from Munich, Barcelona and Paris as well as a seasonal tourist destination in Europe. Located a few kilometers south of the city. Available taxi or shuttle bus to various destinations of the city and the railway station
Air can be selected for long distances or want a shorter travel time. You can get flight information on its website

  • By Train
The city of Berne has an extensive rail network, particularly rail relationships inter city and towns in Switzerland. The easiest and operates daily connection between Geneva, Basel and Zurich and served two times per hour by express (InterCity) train from each city as well as Zurich and Geneva airports. Hour express train takes you to all directions, including Interlaken, Brigadier General, and in Lucerne. There are local trains that carry the road around the city.
Train information can be found at the Swiss Federal Railway and the Swiss travel System

  • By tram and bus
Local trams in the city of Berne journey route is set up, have a schedule using the system for a single ride ticket for the trip. Tickets can be obtained at the dealer or order through websitnya. Bus transportation is also almost the same system with trams

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